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Accelerating the construction of hydrogen refueling stations has become a consensus among governments and industries of major countries and will become a global trend

Green hydrogen is regarded as a truly zero-carbon green energy source. Hydrogen refueling stations and their infrastructure play the most critical role.

In recent years, hydrogen vehicles, which can take into account the convenience of zero emissions and enjoy the convenience of refueling fuel vehicles, and the endurance, have demonstrated the obvious differences and advantages of lithium vehicles, so they have gradually gained attention and become the best choice for new energy vehicles. More and more governments of major countries have begun to realize that lithium vehicles cannot truly lead the automobile industry into a new realm of zero carbon emissions, so they advocate the development of hydrogen energy under the premise of making hydrogen energy a national strategic policy. In fact, since the hydrogen vehicle has been on the road since the end of 2014, it not only fully meets the necessary safety and reliability of the car, but also does not lose to the fuel vehicle in terms of performance and handling, and is even comparable to the lithium vehicle. However, the lack of hydrogen refueling stations has reduced consumers' willingness to buy; therefore, limited by the sales volume, the cost is high and it is relatively difficult to drive the trend. Therefore, in order to promote the popularization of hydrogen vehicles, hydrogen refueling stations and their infrastructure play the most critical role. Countries that have included hydrogen energy in their strategic development policies all see hydrogen refueling stations as necessary projects. Like hydrogen vehicles, the initial construction cost of hydrogen refueling stations is high, and government subsidies and the integrity and support of the supply chain are needed to stimulate the industry's willingness to invest. According to the recent development trend, the overall supporting and business model has gradually taken shape, making the deployment of hydrogen energy stations significantly faster than in the past.

  • H2Stations.org statistics by LBST
  • Web Cartop, 2022-03-22, Naoji Mihori , ヒョンデがネッソを Invest in the era of FCV ! The fundamental problem of water element ステーションのNumber が「増やせない」とは
  • Electrive.com, 2021-12-06, Carrie Hampel, S.Korea builds charging and H2 stations
  • Electrive.com, 2022-03-29, Carrie Hampel, H2 Mobility to increase hydrogen refuelling network
  • PetrolPlaza, Pablo Plaza, 2021-01-21, HysetCo to run 20 hydrogen stations in Paris by 2024
  • 氫啟未來, 2022-01-03,中國加氫站建設數量已經超越日本,正式躍居世界首位
  • glpautogas.info, Hydrogen Stations in France in May 2022



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