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The advent of the hydrogen car era just around the corner

Green hydrogen is regarded as a truly zero-carbon green energy source. Hydrogen on the path to net-zero emissions.

The year 2022 is a very important milestone in the history of hydrogen energy development. Major countries in the world, the United States, Japan, Europe, and China, have successively announced that hydrogen energy will be included in their national strategic policies and have related supporting measures. Not only the above countries, Australia and Canada have also taken the same action. The low-emission technology investment roadmap announced by the Australian government in 2020 will use its low-cost advantages of brown hydrogen and blue hydrogen to create market incentives first, drive hydrogen energy infrastructure and related applications, and lay the foundation for future green hydrogen. The Canadian government released a national hydrogen energy strategy at the end of 2020, vowing to accelerate the implementation of hydrogen energy applications and promote the country's clean energy transformation through the development of hydrogen energy infrastructure. This means that only through the complementation of hydrogen energy and other energy sources can we enter a clean society with zero carbon, which has become the consensus of major countries and the trend of the world. Although there are many problems to be overcome in the development of hydrogen fuel, it has been proved that there are solutions in terms of engineering, technology and economy. It only needs to be supplemented by government policies and supporting measures to be implemented gradually.

Hydrogen vehicles are a good example. In the past, the industry's development in this area can be traced back to more than 20 years ago. Due to too many variables, it has always been difficult to achieve concrete results. Until the Japanese and South Korean governments began to pay attention to the potential and inevitable trend of hydrogen energy, Toyota and Hyundai were inspired to produce mass-produced products. Over the years, it has been proven in the market in terms of performance, safety, reliability and stability. The biggest problem at present is that the supply of hydrogen fuel and the popularization of hydrogen refueling stations are insufficient, which weakens consumers' willingness to buy, and cannot increase sales volume and reduce costs. However, under the power of the hydrogen energy policies of various governments, these problems will eventually be gradually solved. Especially after the governments of the European Union and the United States, China, Canada, Australia and other countries have successively stated their positions, hydrogen energy will adopt a model of cross-border division of labor and cooperation like the petrochemical industry in the past, and will develop faster than ever. Tesla, which has always insisted on lithium electric vehicles and looked down on hydrogen energy vehicles, reported in April 2022 that it will launch Model-H hydrogen energy vehicles in the future. Just as the analysis results of this article are consistent, it really predicts the era of hydrogen energy vehicles. The arrival is just around the corner.

  • Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, United Kingdom, 2021-08-17, Policy paper: UK hydrogen strategy
  • Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action Germany, 2020-06-10, The Natural Hydrogen Strategy
  • C enter for Strategic and International Studies, 2022-03-28, Jane Nakano, China Unveils its First Long-Term Hydrogen Plan
  • 2021-10-12, Macron pushes nuclear, hydrogen power in €30 billion plan to reverse industrial decline
  • Nature Gas Intelligence, 2022-03-08, Morgan Evans, Four Rocky Mountain States Proposing Regional Hydrogen Hub
  • Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan, 2019-09-18, Strategy for Developing Hydrogen and Fuel-Cell Technologies Formulated



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