Breaking news: Our new website is launched!!!

e-Vehicle New Website is Launched
We are more than happy to announce the launch of our newly designed website. Our mission in launching this brand-new website is to provide faster, easier to navigate, and more user-friendly that clearly states who we are, what we stand for, and what we can achieve for our current and prospective customers. We have spent more than three months’ days and nights building from scratch, and we are delighted to officially announce the launch on Dec 10, 2021.
What’s NEW on our website?
As a global rotating machine specialist, it’s important for us to make information regarding our product features, logistic, and quality control more easily accessible for the customers. You will find the newly product classification structure for different types of users on the product page of our website. As for other related information, you can reach them through the navigation bar.
We will be constantly updating our content with up-to-date information, company announcements, and upcoming products. Stay tuned!